Friday, April 27, 2012

We have two winners!

Flying to Freedom 24 Day Group Challenge

April 2nd, we began our first Group Challenge since starting Advocare in the summer of 2010.

Two winners would be chosen - one with the most weight lost and the other with the most inches lost.
Those two winners, had 3 choices on their prize;
* 1 Hour of flight training with me
* 1 hour of flying with me, where they could bring 2 extra people
* $100 Cash

5 people started, and we added 3 more from our house - Corinne, Ariana and Myself.

7 of us reported results - and as a group;
We lost 54 pounds!
And trimmed 36 and 7/8 inches!! 

Everyone won.  Everyone experienced weight loss, inches lost, something - from the 24 Day Challenge.

But 2 people - stood out.

Mike Adams - with a total weight loss over 24 days of 14 lbs!

Heidi Porter - with a total inches lost over 24 days of 13!

Each have an awesome story.

Mike has chosen 1 hour of flight training with me - he says "I'm bringing my logbook!"

Heidi has chosen 1 hour of flight training with me as well - "I will do the flight - Instruction for sure!!"

So there you have it - a group of lives changed, a taste of what Advocare has to offer.  And for two - a parlay into flying - a whole other story and chapter of life possibly for them.

Can I get an Amen?  Love it!

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